From Mom 2/6/2008
Dear Family,
Today, (Wednesday) has been a day of cancelled appointments! That is so frustrating! Dad has talked to several people on the phone so it hasn’t been an entirely wasted day. While he was on the phone, I did laundry. It’s amazing how many clothes just two people go through in a week. We did manage to see the sister we visit in the rest home. She always seems so happy to have us come and cries when we leave-----or maybe she’s crying because of how we sound when we sing to her! Whatever, it’s always a good feeling to visit her and see her smile. Then we had our institute class tonight. Dad does a good job. He really knows his scriptures. The stories from the Old Testament are interesting. There are so many things to be learned from the scriptures.
Today got up to 48*. Dad actually took off his sweater from under his suit coat because he was too warm. Then we look at the weather most of you are having-----snow in Idaho and Utah, tornadoes in Tennessee and I don’t know what in Oklahoma but it looks like we’re the lucky ones right now. Some of the trees across the street from us are starting to turn green. It was the same last year. By the end of February a lot of the spring flowers were out. They don’t need the snow for water like we do in the west. It rains nearly every night. We are enjoying this weather. If we can’t have snow in winter, we might as well enjoy the warm weather we’re having.
The funeral for President Hinckley was so wonderful. We went to the church on Saturday and saw it live and they were going to do a rebroadcast on Sunday afternoon. We had a six o’clock appointment but nothing between church and then so we went over to the church and watched it again. We must have been inspired to go because Tim Palmer came and was very touched by the things he saw and heard. He was in church that morning and even bore his testimony during testimony meeting. He seems so committed right now to making the changes in his life he needs to make to find the happiness and peace of mind he’s looking for. After church, he stayed and talked to Dad for almost two hours. We had picked up Brother and Sister Meyers as Brother Meyers fell in hurt his shoulder and can’t drive right now. I took them home and came back and Tim and Dad were still talking. But it was all good and Tim really opened his heart to Dad. He is such a nice guy. People in the ward were very friendly to him and he likes the people he’s met.
Back to the funeral. I loved and admired President Hinckley so much and really dreaded the time he would no longer be with us. I even worried if I would be able to accept someone else as our prophet but as I was watching and listening to President Monson, as he conducted the graveside service, I had such a positive feeling come over me and any doubt completely left. I had such a feeling of love and respect for President Monson and I know he is the one who is supposed to be leading our church at this time. It goes without saying that the people here are thrilled about President Uchtdorf’s new calling. We were feeling bad that we would have to miss the press conference as it would be being broadcast during the time we would be having Family Home Evening. Then we had a brilliant idea----let’s have Family Home Evening at our place tonight! Dad went over to the church and picked everyone up and they got here about 5 minutes before the broadcast started. One of the Elders serving here right now is a native German and of course, the two young men who come regularly are from here and when it was announced that Elder Uchtdorf was the new counselor, it was like being at a football game and our team had made a touchdown!! It was so fun to share that experience with those young people. I had made poppy seed bread and we had apples and bananas and a variety of juices to go with it. They always like the food part of FHE and I like preparing it for them. I’m going to miss this part of our mission.
We had been asked by a part-member family we have been working with to come to lunch yesterday (Tuesday) and then go Fasching parade with them. Fasching is a big thing here in Germany. School lets out for a week. Everyone dresses up in all kinds of costumes and there are parades everywhere in the country. The big parade in Wurzburg was Sunday afternoon but this one was in a small town not far from here. When I took Brother and Sister Meyer home after church on Sunday, there were lots of people dressed in lots of different kinds of costumes headed downtown to watch the parade. I can’t get a clear explanation from anyone what the significance of this celebration is only that it’s a week they can do anything they want and act anyway they want and then when it’s over, they begin their 40 day “fast” before Easter and can be forgiven of all the wrong things they’ve done. It always comes 40 days before Easter so the time they celebrate varies from year to year. Some say it kind of goes along with Mardi Gras in New Orleans. At the end of Fashing week, they “burn the witches” at midnight in the center of town. Sounds a bit odd to me but the people here really get into it. Since right after Christmas there have been costumes in every store and people getting ready for this celebration. It was kind of fun but sad at the same time. There was a lot of drinking going on and people got really loud and obnoxious. I was amazed at how many young people were drinking. The people we were with said that on the day of the parade there are stores that sell liquor to anyone of any age and it showed yesterday. It wasn’t a real spiritual experience but another lesson about some of the German traditions.
I think I mentioned last week that the Meng’s are going to Frankfurt. We went out to dinner with them on Friday-----we have gone to dinner with them a lot! It was sad saying goodbye to them. I’m glad they live in Rigby. We can stay in touch. The new couple that took their place is from Orem. Sister Koralowski called tonight and is feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything. Tomorrow is P-day and they are coming over with the Elders to spend the day. She said she has a million questions. I hope we can give them some help and encouragement. How well I remember those first few weeks! You feel like you’ve been thrown into a lions den! It’s hard not knowing your way around the city and not knowing anyone very well. You feel pretty helpless and then there’s the “missing the family” on top of that. They seem like really nice people-----a little more reserved than the Mengs are but very nice anyway. The only time we’ve been around them was at our district meeting on Monday. They were late getting there because they got lost and we had to leave as soon as it was over to get back for an appointment so it will be good to have some time to get better acquainted with them tomorrow.
Tomorrow night we have another appointment with David Stoppell. I think Dad mentioned him in his letter. He has been totally inactive for about 15 years but since we have been visiting him, he says he can’t describe the feelings he is having but feels like he did right after he was baptized. He has never understood why prayer was necessary because he says our Heavenly Father already knows what we need, why do we have to ask? Dad pointed out to him that maybe it would be a good idea to ask our Heavenly Father what He needs from us and then ask for some help. He had never thought of that but committed to pray every day this week. We’re looking forward to our time with him. Then on Saturday we will start teaching a new contact. This lady has been to church with one of her friends for three weeks in a row. Sunday she told us she would like us to come and start teaching her about the church. She is such a nice person and Sister Lauber, her member friend, is a wonderful person. We will be teaching at Sister Lauber’s home. It’s great teaching when a member is present. We’re looking forward to that too.
I can’t believe I’ve left this till last. Probably the most exciting part of this week was seeing Petra. We were pulling into a parking lot at a store and I looked over and saw this woman putting groceries in her trunk. I mentioned to Dad that she sure looked a lot like Petra and then we both realized that it WAS Petra. We hurried and parked and walked toward her. She didn’t see us and we called out her name but I guess she didn’t hear us because she didn’t look our direction. I was beginning to think that she had seen us and didn’t want to talk to us but I called a little louder and she looked at us and broke into a big smile. As we walked to her, she put her arms around me and gave me a big hug. Both of us shed some tears. She’s just really struggling right now and says she really doesn’t know why she hasn’t come back to church. She did tell us that she thought we would be mad at her for not coming and that’s why she didn’t want to see us. We assured her that we loved her and that we would love her if she never came to church again. I think she knew we meant it. She asked how much longer we would be here and we told her one more month and she said she would be to church before we left. Than Monday, the 4th, was the anniversary of her baptism. We got a beautiful bouquet of flowers and took to her. When we gave them to her, she asked us what they were for and we told her it was a year ago that day that she had been baptized. She had forgotten the date but seemed very touched that we had remembered her. We didn’t have time to stay long but enjoyed our short visit and had some good laughs----just like old times. She told us again that she would see us at church sometime before we left. There were so many “highlights” of the week but this was way up there on top. It was so good to see her and talk to her again.
It’s late. Dad has already gone to bed. I’m not sure what we’re doing tomorrow. Our district leader called and said he thought it would be good to have a district activity for P-day so they are coming over here with the new couple. He said he wanted to see the castle. Climbing up there is a good workout. Anyway, I thought I had better get this written tonight. Time is ticking away----quickly. Seems like we just had P-day!
Take care and know that we love you. You’re always in our thoughts and prayers.
Much love,
Today, (Wednesday) has been a day of cancelled appointments! That is so frustrating! Dad has talked to several people on the phone so it hasn’t been an entirely wasted day. While he was on the phone, I did laundry. It’s amazing how many clothes just two people go through in a week. We did manage to see the sister we visit in the rest home. She always seems so happy to have us come and cries when we leave-----or maybe she’s crying because of how we sound when we sing to her! Whatever, it’s always a good feeling to visit her and see her smile. Then we had our institute class tonight. Dad does a good job. He really knows his scriptures. The stories from the Old Testament are interesting. There are so many things to be learned from the scriptures.
Today got up to 48*. Dad actually took off his sweater from under his suit coat because he was too warm. Then we look at the weather most of you are having-----snow in Idaho and Utah, tornadoes in Tennessee and I don’t know what in Oklahoma but it looks like we’re the lucky ones right now. Some of the trees across the street from us are starting to turn green. It was the same last year. By the end of February a lot of the spring flowers were out. They don’t need the snow for water like we do in the west. It rains nearly every night. We are enjoying this weather. If we can’t have snow in winter, we might as well enjoy the warm weather we’re having.
The funeral for President Hinckley was so wonderful. We went to the church on Saturday and saw it live and they were going to do a rebroadcast on Sunday afternoon. We had a six o’clock appointment but nothing between church and then so we went over to the church and watched it again. We must have been inspired to go because Tim Palmer came and was very touched by the things he saw and heard. He was in church that morning and even bore his testimony during testimony meeting. He seems so committed right now to making the changes in his life he needs to make to find the happiness and peace of mind he’s looking for. After church, he stayed and talked to Dad for almost two hours. We had picked up Brother and Sister Meyers as Brother Meyers fell in hurt his shoulder and can’t drive right now. I took them home and came back and Tim and Dad were still talking. But it was all good and Tim really opened his heart to Dad. He is such a nice guy. People in the ward were very friendly to him and he likes the people he’s met.
Back to the funeral. I loved and admired President Hinckley so much and really dreaded the time he would no longer be with us. I even worried if I would be able to accept someone else as our prophet but as I was watching and listening to President Monson, as he conducted the graveside service, I had such a positive feeling come over me and any doubt completely left. I had such a feeling of love and respect for President Monson and I know he is the one who is supposed to be leading our church at this time. It goes without saying that the people here are thrilled about President Uchtdorf’s new calling. We were feeling bad that we would have to miss the press conference as it would be being broadcast during the time we would be having Family Home Evening. Then we had a brilliant idea----let’s have Family Home Evening at our place tonight! Dad went over to the church and picked everyone up and they got here about 5 minutes before the broadcast started. One of the Elders serving here right now is a native German and of course, the two young men who come regularly are from here and when it was announced that Elder Uchtdorf was the new counselor, it was like being at a football game and our team had made a touchdown!! It was so fun to share that experience with those young people. I had made poppy seed bread and we had apples and bananas and a variety of juices to go with it. They always like the food part of FHE and I like preparing it for them. I’m going to miss this part of our mission.
We had been asked by a part-member family we have been working with to come to lunch yesterday (Tuesday) and then go Fasching parade with them. Fasching is a big thing here in Germany. School lets out for a week. Everyone dresses up in all kinds of costumes and there are parades everywhere in the country. The big parade in Wurzburg was Sunday afternoon but this one was in a small town not far from here. When I took Brother and Sister Meyer home after church on Sunday, there were lots of people dressed in lots of different kinds of costumes headed downtown to watch the parade. I can’t get a clear explanation from anyone what the significance of this celebration is only that it’s a week they can do anything they want and act anyway they want and then when it’s over, they begin their 40 day “fast” before Easter and can be forgiven of all the wrong things they’ve done. It always comes 40 days before Easter so the time they celebrate varies from year to year. Some say it kind of goes along with Mardi Gras in New Orleans. At the end of Fashing week, they “burn the witches” at midnight in the center of town. Sounds a bit odd to me but the people here really get into it. Since right after Christmas there have been costumes in every store and people getting ready for this celebration. It was kind of fun but sad at the same time. There was a lot of drinking going on and people got really loud and obnoxious. I was amazed at how many young people were drinking. The people we were with said that on the day of the parade there are stores that sell liquor to anyone of any age and it showed yesterday. It wasn’t a real spiritual experience but another lesson about some of the German traditions.
I think I mentioned last week that the Meng’s are going to Frankfurt. We went out to dinner with them on Friday-----we have gone to dinner with them a lot! It was sad saying goodbye to them. I’m glad they live in Rigby. We can stay in touch. The new couple that took their place is from Orem. Sister Koralowski called tonight and is feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything. Tomorrow is P-day and they are coming over with the Elders to spend the day. She said she has a million questions. I hope we can give them some help and encouragement. How well I remember those first few weeks! You feel like you’ve been thrown into a lions den! It’s hard not knowing your way around the city and not knowing anyone very well. You feel pretty helpless and then there’s the “missing the family” on top of that. They seem like really nice people-----a little more reserved than the Mengs are but very nice anyway. The only time we’ve been around them was at our district meeting on Monday. They were late getting there because they got lost and we had to leave as soon as it was over to get back for an appointment so it will be good to have some time to get better acquainted with them tomorrow.
Tomorrow night we have another appointment with David Stoppell. I think Dad mentioned him in his letter. He has been totally inactive for about 15 years but since we have been visiting him, he says he can’t describe the feelings he is having but feels like he did right after he was baptized. He has never understood why prayer was necessary because he says our Heavenly Father already knows what we need, why do we have to ask? Dad pointed out to him that maybe it would be a good idea to ask our Heavenly Father what He needs from us and then ask for some help. He had never thought of that but committed to pray every day this week. We’re looking forward to our time with him. Then on Saturday we will start teaching a new contact. This lady has been to church with one of her friends for three weeks in a row. Sunday she told us she would like us to come and start teaching her about the church. She is such a nice person and Sister Lauber, her member friend, is a wonderful person. We will be teaching at Sister Lauber’s home. It’s great teaching when a member is present. We’re looking forward to that too.
I can’t believe I’ve left this till last. Probably the most exciting part of this week was seeing Petra. We were pulling into a parking lot at a store and I looked over and saw this woman putting groceries in her trunk. I mentioned to Dad that she sure looked a lot like Petra and then we both realized that it WAS Petra. We hurried and parked and walked toward her. She didn’t see us and we called out her name but I guess she didn’t hear us because she didn’t look our direction. I was beginning to think that she had seen us and didn’t want to talk to us but I called a little louder and she looked at us and broke into a big smile. As we walked to her, she put her arms around me and gave me a big hug. Both of us shed some tears. She’s just really struggling right now and says she really doesn’t know why she hasn’t come back to church. She did tell us that she thought we would be mad at her for not coming and that’s why she didn’t want to see us. We assured her that we loved her and that we would love her if she never came to church again. I think she knew we meant it. She asked how much longer we would be here and we told her one more month and she said she would be to church before we left. Than Monday, the 4th, was the anniversary of her baptism. We got a beautiful bouquet of flowers and took to her. When we gave them to her, she asked us what they were for and we told her it was a year ago that day that she had been baptized. She had forgotten the date but seemed very touched that we had remembered her. We didn’t have time to stay long but enjoyed our short visit and had some good laughs----just like old times. She told us again that she would see us at church sometime before we left. There were so many “highlights” of the week but this was way up there on top. It was so good to see her and talk to her again.
It’s late. Dad has already gone to bed. I’m not sure what we’re doing tomorrow. Our district leader called and said he thought it would be good to have a district activity for P-day so they are coming over here with the new couple. He said he wanted to see the castle. Climbing up there is a good workout. Anyway, I thought I had better get this written tonight. Time is ticking away----quickly. Seems like we just had P-day!
Take care and know that we love you. You’re always in our thoughts and prayers.
Much love,

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