From Dad 1/26/2008

Hi Family,

Yes, it was an awesome week! Tim Palmer, who has struggled so much knowing what to do with three sons and no marriage, is fighting back again to see himself as a person of value. One thing he said this week that gave us some hope was, “I will fight to the end”. He called last night for support. His family is out of town and he plans to be in Church this morning. He talked about having feelings like there was a major battle raging inside of him. He knows what he wants to do to improve his life and then come the feelings to do the opposite. He said when he prays sometimes he feels like he is really speaking with someone and other times he feels nothing. We talked about his feelings when he reads in the scriptures. It was interesting. There has been only a limited time for a few days a couple of months ago when he was consistently reading in the scriptures. Of that time he said, “I always felt good”. We talked about the promise from our Father in Heaven when we read any scriptures with a sincere heart to learn more about Him and His directions He is giving us, we will feel His Spirit and know what we are reading is true. Tim said he will be with us today. There is a lot of good in him and we know he can be a great help to others.

Peter Huerdler is a nice man. He has a tendency to go with the flow. Right now his wife has chosen, again, to go with the flow of another man. He thought he had found the perfect situation. A woman about his same age who has a son seemed to take him under her wing. They invited us to meet with them a couple of times. He could not say enough about his “good fortune”. He said, “When I am there she cooks the meals and does all the cleaning. I couldn’t have it better.” He said, “Elder Price I give my priesthood back to you. I am not worthy to carry it right now, but God will understand.” So much for having it “better”. When we talked a couple of weeks ago he was alone again. He did say he would read in the Book of Mormon 7 to 10 minutes a day. We hope to find out more later today. He is very gentle. With a little backbone and commitment life could be very good for him.

Jan Storz is a brilliant young man about 22. He is taking his oral exams to complete his degree this spring. He plans to be an engineer or work with astronomy. He is like so many of the young people who go away from home for the first time. He feels his life was always being directed and wanted to see what it would be like when he became the director. Religion was a non-subject for many months. In December an active young single adult went with us and afterward suggested the next time we met with Jan to encourage him to think back and express any positive feelings he had had about the gospel when he was growing up. We did this last Tuesday. He told how at a youth conference when they were on a mountainside for a testimony meeting early one morning and he had born his testimony and the strong feelings that came to him. He shared a few other times he had born his testimony and had had those same strong feelings. The end result was he told us the next time we meet we can discuss the first two lessons in the new priesthood/relief society manual on the teachings of Joseph Smith. We are excited for Jan. He comes from a very good family.

We see so much of good that has and is happening in our family. We can only be thankful and recognize the Lord is very involved in guiding the lives of all of us. Thanks for letting Him, for trusting Him enough to see how much He wants to and is blessing our lives. We feel ready to hit the ground running. We plan on keeping our “running shoes” on the remaining few weeks we have here. Mom is a great inspiration and influences for good the things we do every day. When the Gunthers moved this week when we were leaving their home sister Gunther put her arm through mom’s and said, “Elder Price could you just disappear for two years and let sister Price go with us?” Needless to say, mom is well thought of. It is easy to understand how you must feel having the privilege of having her close by once again.

Have a good week. We are so thankful for everyone of you.

Love always,



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