From Dad 12/16

Hi everyone,

We are so thankful for the many countless blessings that have come to our family this past year. We look forward to this Christmas time remembering the love of our Savior and His Father for us personally. To know to see their glory we would have to be changed (Moses 1: 9-11) to withstand the glory of their presence is seen through the eyes of those who have witnessed the wonders of crystals @ 150 degrees Fahrenheit in South America. Their love for us is legend. No greater story can be shared with each rising generation. No story is reviewed and thought about more often than the great love and sacrifice the Father and the Son gave for us. When the Son feeling the pain of our sorrows and our rejections of His Father’s love and teachings felt He could no longer bear this burden, He asked our Father to lift it from Him but only if it would not keep His from fulfilling the assignment from the Father He had been sent here to fulfill. No one else had sufficient love and faithfulness to carry our burdens. He loved us. He continues to love us today and continues step by step to fulfill all the Father set out to accomplish for us His children.

The Father will one day send Jesus Christ to the earth again. No one, not even the Son, knows when that day is but the Father. We trust the Father. There is no need to fear. The most blessed times lie ahead as well as the most difficult this world will ever see. We cannot survive on “borrowed light”. Each will need to have deep in their hearts the knowledge that God, our Father, lives and that all evil influences will one day be subjected to His ways. Our agency is always His first thought. As painful as life some days will be He will allow us to experience pain in order to find our way safely back into His arms and the strength that comes with each individual commandment we accept and live with all of our hearts. We do not need to fear what lies ahead. Peace is given and will remain with us. Even in Gethsemane Jesus Christ was at peace. Trials, challenges, not knowing if we can endure are moments to bless our lives and draw us into the arms of a loving Father. This trust exercised by Jesus Christ, this great faith He exercised in our Father, is there as a guide. Following His example no experience in life is too difficult, is more than we can master. After the trial of our faith come the blessings.

May this Christmas season bring the greatest comfort and peace to our hearts as a family. May we know nothing can separate us from the love of our Heavenly Father. May we remember living with our Father and His Son offers more of everything our hearts yearn for than any other possibility after this life. May we open our hearts to the Father that He can send His Holy Spirit to comfort and to guide us safely back to Him. May there be no empty chairs around our table.

We look forward to talking with each of you in another week. We love you always,

Dad and Grandpa


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