From Mom 4/26
Dear Family,
Sometimes it seems like time is going so slow----until it’s time to write home again. It seems like I just did that a couple of days ago. Thank you all for your letters. It’s so good to hear about all the doings with each of your families. The end of the school year always seems like such a busy time with finishing the school year, dance recitals, piano recitals and making plans for the next school year. Sounds like you are all managing to keep busy and that the kids have plenty to so too. How we look forward to being back with all of you again!
This has been another week of a lot of cancellations. I guess spring here is as busy as spring is there. But we have managed to have quite a few good meetings. I finally ate some humble pie and got over being mad at Stephanie. When we got home late Friday night, there was a message on the answering machine from her. All it said was,” Elder and Sister Price, I’m sorry. Can you come and see me sometime this weekend?” I didn’t want to go very bad but Dad, being the kind forgiving man he is, felt like we should go. She seemed happy to see us when we got there Sunday afternoon and wanted to talk to Dad. She really leans on him for counsel. While they were talking, another man who Stephanie had introduced us to came and sat down by me and started asking questions about the church. He knew we were missionaries and he knew a little bit about the church. To make a long story short, before we got done with our conversation, I had given him the whole first lesson on the Restoration. We was interested to learn that Joseph Smith did not make up our church, that is was the restored church of Jesus Christ. He has a Book of Mormon and has read just a little bit in it but it was at his home so we told him we would bring him one so he could read while he was there. We took it to him today. He is getting out of the hospital in a week and he gave us his address and would like some missionaries to visit him. He wants to learn more about the church. He does not live in our mission so I’ll send his name and address to the referral secretary of our mission to send to the Frankfurt mission. I really couldn’t figure out why he was in that hospital. He seems so normal!!! Whatever----he wants to learn more so we’ll accommodate.
One of our cancellations was the busy army wife mother. We were so disappointed when she called and cancelled but she is very busy trying to get passports and visa’s in order so they can go to the states for a visit and she had been on a dead run the day before and hadn’t even started on her day. She wants to meet with us at the Bishops home so her kids can play with their kids while we are talking. That’s what the Bishop has wanted all along so maybe that’s just the way it’s supposed to be.
We did meet with a part member family today. Sister Metzner is a third generation member but hasn’t been active for quite awhile. Her husband came in while we were visiting with Sister Metzner and started talking to us. He said he had no family life while he was growing up and had been working since he was 12 years old and that’s all he has ever known. He has just never had much to do with religion but told us we were welcome to come anytime and as often as we wanted to come. He is a great person and they are just an awesome family. They have had 23 foster children so you know what kind of people they are. Dad told him that we would like to come back and tell them how they could be an eternal family. That really peaked his interest. We have an appointment with them on Monday. Missionary life can be interesting------has its ups and downs but very interesting.
I’ll being you up to date on our match-making. Sister Holzer sent an e-mail to Brother Roth, the member of the bishopric in the ward they were just transferred from, and told him what we wanted to do. She has met Petra and thinks she is just great, which she is, and Sister Holzer told that to this man and asked him if he would be interested in meeting Petra. He e-mail back and told Sister Holzer it sounded good to him and asked if she had a picture of Petra. Sister Holzer didn’t have a picture so she sent his e-mail to me and asked if I would send him some pictures of Petra. I sent six pictures, three of her baptism and three of our fun trip to Kissingen when she had her Jeans and Levi jacket on. Of course, I had to tell him more about her too. He e-mailed back and thanked me for the “cute” pictures and said “she is definitely looking awesome” and that it would be a pleasure for him to meet her. Then he asked how we proceed from here. He had included his phone number in the s-mail so I called him. We have met him a couple of times so we’re not complete strangers. He asked more questions about Petra, one being her phone number and because it was so late when he and I were talking, he asked if I would call her in the morning and have her call his house and leave a message telling when she would be getting home from work so he could call her. We had an appointment the next morning with Petra because she is working afternoons this week and when we told her all this she was really excited. She said, “The Heavenly Father loves me so much. He is answering my prayers. Today I start a new life.” Well, later that night he called her and they talked for an hour and a half and he is coming to Wurzburg tomorrow afternoon to meet her and to spend the afternoon together. She called just awhile ago and was still at work but was nearly done with her shift and anxious to get home because he is calling her again tonight. She is so excited and happy. Wouldn’t this be just great if things worked out for these two? It’s given us some fun variety to our work. Sister Holzer e-mails nearly every morning to ask what’s new. Today Brother Holzer needed some information from Dad and started his e-mail by apologizing that this e-mail wasn’t about Petra! It’s just fun.
Sunday we had Petra come and have lunch with us. This was before she knew anything about all this “cupid” stuff and she said she had really be discouraged lately. We could tell it at church. She just wasn’t her happy, friendly self. I had fixed that Italian chicken and she loved it. I had also made a fresh strawberry tort for dessert. (We had planned on having the Elders come over but they had another dinner invitation) Anyway, it was fun having Petra. She loved the food and said the Price restaurant was a 5 star restaurant! Thank you for the good recipe. After lunch she wanted to see some pictures of the family so we turned on the computer. Of course, we had to show pictures when we were all together and there were lots of people and she just couldn’t get over it. It was a fun afternoon. She knew we were going to see Stephanie later that day and asked us to bring Stephanie’s laundry back to her and Stephanie was grateful for that. She had on her last clean shirt and pair of jeans. Petra has a big heart.
I guess that’s it for this week. We just keep plugging along. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to look happy all the time. We are happy to be here sharing the gospel but sometimes I just don’t feel happy and I just want to be grouchy for a day. That doesn’t happen very often but every once in awhile. Especially when I haven’t been sleeping well, which for some reason I haven’t been. Tuesday night I took a sleeping pill and slept 10 hours. I hate how I feel for the next couple of days after I take those things but at least I caught up on my sleep. All in all, we’re doing well. We do a lot of walking. Petra lives about a mile away and when the weather is good, we walk to her place. The other morning we had an appointment to get the car serviced and the winter tires changed. That was the morning we were going to meet with Petra and it was raining but we each got an umbrella and walked up the hill to her place.
Know that we love all of you and appreciate what you are all doing. More each day do I appreciate the gospel and what it teaches us. I’m so thankful for it in my life. I just finished reading the Book of Mormon. Dad and I started reading it together the first of the year. We were reading a chapter a day and I couldn’t wait to move on so I just kept going. We still read a chapter a day but are just finishing Alma. How I love that book! “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” is certainly an appropriate addition to the title of the book.
Love you all tons,
Sometimes it seems like time is going so slow----until it’s time to write home again. It seems like I just did that a couple of days ago. Thank you all for your letters. It’s so good to hear about all the doings with each of your families. The end of the school year always seems like such a busy time with finishing the school year, dance recitals, piano recitals and making plans for the next school year. Sounds like you are all managing to keep busy and that the kids have plenty to so too. How we look forward to being back with all of you again!
This has been another week of a lot of cancellations. I guess spring here is as busy as spring is there. But we have managed to have quite a few good meetings. I finally ate some humble pie and got over being mad at Stephanie. When we got home late Friday night, there was a message on the answering machine from her. All it said was,” Elder and Sister Price, I’m sorry. Can you come and see me sometime this weekend?” I didn’t want to go very bad but Dad, being the kind forgiving man he is, felt like we should go. She seemed happy to see us when we got there Sunday afternoon and wanted to talk to Dad. She really leans on him for counsel. While they were talking, another man who Stephanie had introduced us to came and sat down by me and started asking questions about the church. He knew we were missionaries and he knew a little bit about the church. To make a long story short, before we got done with our conversation, I had given him the whole first lesson on the Restoration. We was interested to learn that Joseph Smith did not make up our church, that is was the restored church of Jesus Christ. He has a Book of Mormon and has read just a little bit in it but it was at his home so we told him we would bring him one so he could read while he was there. We took it to him today. He is getting out of the hospital in a week and he gave us his address and would like some missionaries to visit him. He wants to learn more about the church. He does not live in our mission so I’ll send his name and address to the referral secretary of our mission to send to the Frankfurt mission. I really couldn’t figure out why he was in that hospital. He seems so normal!!! Whatever----he wants to learn more so we’ll accommodate.
One of our cancellations was the busy army wife mother. We were so disappointed when she called and cancelled but she is very busy trying to get passports and visa’s in order so they can go to the states for a visit and she had been on a dead run the day before and hadn’t even started on her day. She wants to meet with us at the Bishops home so her kids can play with their kids while we are talking. That’s what the Bishop has wanted all along so maybe that’s just the way it’s supposed to be.
We did meet with a part member family today. Sister Metzner is a third generation member but hasn’t been active for quite awhile. Her husband came in while we were visiting with Sister Metzner and started talking to us. He said he had no family life while he was growing up and had been working since he was 12 years old and that’s all he has ever known. He has just never had much to do with religion but told us we were welcome to come anytime and as often as we wanted to come. He is a great person and they are just an awesome family. They have had 23 foster children so you know what kind of people they are. Dad told him that we would like to come back and tell them how they could be an eternal family. That really peaked his interest. We have an appointment with them on Monday. Missionary life can be interesting------has its ups and downs but very interesting.
I’ll being you up to date on our match-making. Sister Holzer sent an e-mail to Brother Roth, the member of the bishopric in the ward they were just transferred from, and told him what we wanted to do. She has met Petra and thinks she is just great, which she is, and Sister Holzer told that to this man and asked him if he would be interested in meeting Petra. He e-mail back and told Sister Holzer it sounded good to him and asked if she had a picture of Petra. Sister Holzer didn’t have a picture so she sent his e-mail to me and asked if I would send him some pictures of Petra. I sent six pictures, three of her baptism and three of our fun trip to Kissingen when she had her Jeans and Levi jacket on. Of course, I had to tell him more about her too. He e-mailed back and thanked me for the “cute” pictures and said “she is definitely looking awesome” and that it would be a pleasure for him to meet her. Then he asked how we proceed from here. He had included his phone number in the s-mail so I called him. We have met him a couple of times so we’re not complete strangers. He asked more questions about Petra, one being her phone number and because it was so late when he and I were talking, he asked if I would call her in the morning and have her call his house and leave a message telling when she would be getting home from work so he could call her. We had an appointment the next morning with Petra because she is working afternoons this week and when we told her all this she was really excited. She said, “The Heavenly Father loves me so much. He is answering my prayers. Today I start a new life.” Well, later that night he called her and they talked for an hour and a half and he is coming to Wurzburg tomorrow afternoon to meet her and to spend the afternoon together. She called just awhile ago and was still at work but was nearly done with her shift and anxious to get home because he is calling her again tonight. She is so excited and happy. Wouldn’t this be just great if things worked out for these two? It’s given us some fun variety to our work. Sister Holzer e-mails nearly every morning to ask what’s new. Today Brother Holzer needed some information from Dad and started his e-mail by apologizing that this e-mail wasn’t about Petra! It’s just fun.
Sunday we had Petra come and have lunch with us. This was before she knew anything about all this “cupid” stuff and she said she had really be discouraged lately. We could tell it at church. She just wasn’t her happy, friendly self. I had fixed that Italian chicken and she loved it. I had also made a fresh strawberry tort for dessert. (We had planned on having the Elders come over but they had another dinner invitation) Anyway, it was fun having Petra. She loved the food and said the Price restaurant was a 5 star restaurant! Thank you for the good recipe. After lunch she wanted to see some pictures of the family so we turned on the computer. Of course, we had to show pictures when we were all together and there were lots of people and she just couldn’t get over it. It was a fun afternoon. She knew we were going to see Stephanie later that day and asked us to bring Stephanie’s laundry back to her and Stephanie was grateful for that. She had on her last clean shirt and pair of jeans. Petra has a big heart.
I guess that’s it for this week. We just keep plugging along. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to look happy all the time. We are happy to be here sharing the gospel but sometimes I just don’t feel happy and I just want to be grouchy for a day. That doesn’t happen very often but every once in awhile. Especially when I haven’t been sleeping well, which for some reason I haven’t been. Tuesday night I took a sleeping pill and slept 10 hours. I hate how I feel for the next couple of days after I take those things but at least I caught up on my sleep. All in all, we’re doing well. We do a lot of walking. Petra lives about a mile away and when the weather is good, we walk to her place. The other morning we had an appointment to get the car serviced and the winter tires changed. That was the morning we were going to meet with Petra and it was raining but we each got an umbrella and walked up the hill to her place.
Know that we love all of you and appreciate what you are all doing. More each day do I appreciate the gospel and what it teaches us. I’m so thankful for it in my life. I just finished reading the Book of Mormon. Dad and I started reading it together the first of the year. We were reading a chapter a day and I couldn’t wait to move on so I just kept going. We still read a chapter a day but are just finishing Alma. How I love that book! “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” is certainly an appropriate addition to the title of the book.
Love you all tons,

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